Reclaiming Parkchester’s Trees
As a way to give back to our residents, Parkchester North Condominium (PNC) has commissioned beautiful tree carvings for the community. Reflecting back to Parkchester’s original design, some of the sculptures mimic the bas relief sculptures installed on the buildings scattered throughout the community.
Each of the carvings represents certain themes. For instance, the lady with a child represents love, community and family; the two musicians represent the arts and creativity, and the hawk and squirrels represent nature, earthliness, and wildlife. The plan is to execute one or two carvings a year, and only trees that present a tripping hazard or are deteriorating will be used for this purpose.
The trees were carved by Jon Vincent Antonuk, a professional chainsaw tree carver and founder of the family-owned business “From the Forest”. Antonuk was recommended to Parkchester by Juan Torres, PNC board member after he saw his carvings at Woodlawn Cemetery.
The carvings are permanent, and the wood will not deteriorate. Depending on how the wood settles, in about 10 years, the base will be cut and placed on a stump so they will be preserved. With the appropriate care, they should last for the enjoyment of many more generations of Parkchester residents.
Mother & Daughter Location: Towards the rear of 1515 Metropolitan Avenue. Guitarist & Accordion Player Location: Between the rear entrances of 1561 & 1569 Metropolitan Avenue. Hawk and Squirrels Location: Right hand side adjacent to the rear of 2130 East Tremont Avenue; can be seen from the front of the building as well.